Je n ai que le zibo en liner et suis adepte de webfmc qui en plus a eu la gentillesse de le fournir gratuitement pour le zibo. Utilitaire indispensable
Web FMC 1.6.1 bugfix

We have just released a bugfix update 1.6.1 for the recently released WebFMC Pro 1.6.0 (for the original announcement, please see https://forums.x-plane.org/index.ph...c-pro-160-now-with-dual-cdu-support-and-more/

To update, please re-download WebFMC Pro from your store account; make sure to backup your old WebFMC folder so that you'd don't loose your license file, and restore webfmc-lic.txt file back into the new WebFMC folder. As always, the update is free for existing customers.

Changes in 1.6.1:

  • Windows binaries (the plugin and webfmc-win.bin) are now digitally signed
  • Fixed detection of Boeing 777 variants.
  • Fixed a small UI glitch where loading A350 after A319/320/321 with F/O active would display side-switching indicator even though A350 doesn’t support dual CDU.
  • Fixed printing to X-Plane log from non-main plugin thread which was against Laminar’s recommendations regarding thread safety of X-Plane API.
  • Fixed a bug where access to some internal state of the plugin was not properly synchronized between threads in some cases, which could lead to undefined behavior.
  • Detect and handle webfmc-lic.txt.txt file (double txt extension) as we found many cases where users struggled with license error because of a mistake like this.
  • Removed enumeration of network interfaces and their IP addresses (they are no longer printed in the log file) as we suspect this contributed to the false-positive alerts from AVs. This was purely diagnostic and has no impact on functionality.
Web FMC 1.6.1
Released Sunday 26/10/20 at 08:40 PM
  • Support for dual CDU (F/O) - You can switch between Captain and First Officer’s CDU instantaneously by swiping or tapping over the upper area of the FMC - see settings dialog for options related to that and check out PDF manual for details.
  • Reorganized options into groups in the Settings dialog.
  • Added option to switch to alternative font.
  • Added slider to control button click volume.
  • Fixed issues with button click sound in Safari browser.
  • Fixed issues with rendering in mobile Firefox browser.
  • Fixed an issue where in an unlikely event of abnormal exit of the plugin helper process WebFMC would flood X-Plane log with error messages. Gracefully handle restart of the helper process in such cases
  • Changes to internal tooling & build process: on Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015, 2017, 2019 is required: install vc_redist.x64.exe from https://support.microsoft.com/en-gb/help/2977003/the-latest-supported-visual-c-downloads
  • Updated most of the 3rd party libraries and components to their latest versions.
  • Windows binaries (the plugin and webfmc-win.bin) are now digitally signed.
  • Fixed printing to X-Plane log from non-main plugin thread which was against Laminar’s recommendations regarding thread safety of X-Plane API
  • Removed enumeration of network interfaces and their IP addresses (they are no longer printed in the log file) as we suspect this contributed to the false-positive alerts from AVs. This was purely diagnostic and has no impact on functionality.
Hello !
Aux 2 spécialistes @Roro et @Playrec, mais pas que........, j'utilise WebFMC + FFA320, tout fonctionne à merveille, mais voilà j’attaque la partie droite (instrumentale) du cockpit et je sais que depuis les dernières version de WeFMC il y a la gestion du DUAL CDU. Pour l'instant je ne vois, dans ce que je lis, que l'on peut switcher instantanément du CAPT au F/O . Moi il me faudrait afficher à la fois le CDU CAPT et le CDU F/O.
Du coup j'ai deux questions si quelqu'un s'en sert comme cela:
- Est-il possible d'afficher les 2 CDU ?
- si oui faut-il 2 licences ? et oui ce n'est pas gratuit pour le bubus !
Je pense avoir ma réponse ......... pas plus tard que hier j'avais ouvert 3 ou 4 pages web en même temps avec chacune le CDU dedans....... donc je pense qu'il suffit d'utiliser 2 web browsers (ou 2 fenêtres du même web browsers) en basculer une en F/O et le tour est joué !........ il est tard il me faut aller me coucher ..... :poop:
Salut @JP31 !

Je suis loin de l'expertise concernant webfmc que j'ai du utiliser 2 semaines , pas plus car j'ai acheté un cdu hardware d'occasion mais je pense que tu as raison ; ce n'est pas clair dans le manuel ; il faut tester avec 2 pages ouvertes pour voir si lorsque tu cliques sur la flèche en haut à droite , une seule des 2 fenêtres bascule sur le mcdu f/o ; en cas de soucis , tu peux essayer avec un deuxième navigateur (Firefox + MSEdge ou Chrome et si ça ne marche toujours pas , avec un deuxième pc en réseau ça doit pouvoir le faire !

page 20 du manuel (4 octobre 2020) :

webfmc dual cdu list.png
Dernière édition:
Je n'ai jamais utilisé le dual mais merci pour le retour .
Sinon les dev de Webfmc sont vraiment très a l'écoute ,je me souviens leur avoir demande de dvp leur produit pour le 777 , le 747 et le MD80 et ils l'ont fait , c'est top

RoRo 😉
WebFMC Pro 1.7.0

  • Support for Tekton FMC in ERJ family of aircraft from X-Crafts (you can switch between Tekton and the default XP FMC by switching sides in WebFMC; note: Tekton in E-Jets v2.4 is not supported)
  • Support for new FMC variant (A2) in Zibo’s 738
  • Night mode (configurable via settings dialog option)
  • Screen brightness controls (client-side only, brightness is not linked to the FMC brightness in the cockpit)
  • For cockpit builders
    • some display aspects of WebFMC can now be configured via url parameters (forcing full screen mode, active side selection, etc.)
    • lights state (EXEC, MSG, etc.) is now exposed via global javascript variables
    • see PDF manual for more details
  • Fixed Toliss font size issues
  • Increased label lines font size in most aircraft
  • Revised touch screen events for better support of generic mobile monitors
  • Fixed saving Screen Only option into local storage to make it permanent
  • Added check for disabled Javascript within browser with proper error message
WebFMC Pro 1.7.2

3 mai 2021- v1.7.2
  • support for older zibo mod (from before the introduction of FMC A2 variant) for users holding off with zibo upgrades
  • fixed a rare bug with A2 variant handling when switching from another aircraft to zibo with A2 enabled
  • fixed alternate font support in screen-only mode
  • fixed Safari (macos) caching issue
WebFMC Pro 1.7.3

- now supports ToLiSS A340 and JarDesign A340

As always, the update is free for existing owners of WebFMC Pro ; just re-download it from your Account page in the x-plane.org store. If updating from the older version, please make sure to backup your license file before removing the old version!
Salut, salut Fred ,
Merci voilà bqui pousse encore plus pour avoir le 340- 600...de Toliss
WebFMC Pro 1.8.0
  • FlyJSim Q4XP (note: Q4XP 1.09+ is required!) DualCDU NEW!
  • Hot Start CL650 TripleCDU NEW!
  • Fixed ~5 second delay before refreshing the display on initial connect or reconnect
  • Improved reporting of critical errors in Plugin > WebFMC > Status window
  • Fixed lost websocket after sleep on Safari (Apple)

WebFMC Pro supports the following aircraft at the moment :
  • FlyJSim Q4XP DualCDU--------NEW !
  • Hot Start CL650 TripleCDU-----NEW !
  • ERJ Family by X-Crafts DualCDU
  • Default X-Plane FMC DualCDU
  • ToLiss A319 DualCDU
  • ToLiss A321 DualCDU
  • ToLiss A340 DualCDU
  • FlightFactor 757 v2 Professional DualCDU
  • FlightFactor 767 Professional DualCDU
  • FlightFactor 777 Professional
  • FlightFactor A320 Ultimate DualCDU
  • FlightFactor A350 (old style MCDU)
  • JarDesign 320
  • JarDesign 330
  • JarDesign 340
  • Rotate MD-80
  • JRollon CRJ-200
  • IXEG 737-300 DualCDU
  • SSG 747-8 Series
  • SSG E-Jets Evolution Series
  • EADT x737 (x737FMC and Default FMC)
  • Zibo Mod 737-800 DualCDU
  • 737-900 Ultimate DualCDU
  • 737-700 Ultimate DualCDU
WebFMC v1.8.1
9 janvier 2022

  • support for LevelUp 737NG DualCDU NEW !
  • added option to scale without keeping aspect ratio
  • improved going into screen only mode
  • Fixed ~5 second delay before refreshing the display on initial connect or reconnect
  • Improved reporting of critical errors in Plugin > WebFMC > Status window
  • Fixed lost websocket after sleep on Safari
WebFMC for X-Plane 12 will be a separate product (likely WebFMC v2). The current version of WebFMC 1.x is for X-Plane 11 and we will not support running it under XP12.

WebFMC for XP12 will be re-built and linked against XP12 SDK. Just like it was with current WebFMC Pro, for one time fee you will get support for future and upcoming XP12 aircraft (whenever technically feasible of course) with free updates, for the lifetime of XP12, so likely next few years. Supporting a product that way is a lot of work and effort (WebFMC 1.x got 19+ updates by now since the initial release in 2018), and I hope everyone understands that; it's also a much more attractive offering compared to similar products for other platforms which require separate purchases with every aircraft supported.

The pricing of v2 (or any potential discounts for existing users) haven't been decided yet.


WebFMC pour X-Plane 12 sera un produit séparé (probablement WebFMC v2). La version actuelle de WebFMC 1.x est pour X-Plane 11 et nous ne supporterons pas son fonctionnement sous XP12.

WebFMC pour XP12 sera reconstruit et lié au SDK XP12. Comme c'était le cas avec WebFMC Pro actuel, pour un prix unique, vous obtiendrez le support pour les avions XP12 futurs et à venir (lorsque cela est techniquement possible bien sûr) avec des mises à jour gratuites, pour la durée de vie de XP12, donc probablement les prochaines années. Le support d'un produit de cette façon représente beaucoup de travail et d'efforts (WebFMC 1.x a obtenu plus de 19 mises à jour depuis la sortie initiale en 2018), et j'espère que tout le monde comprend cela ; c'est aussi une offre beaucoup plus attrayante par rapport aux produits similaires pour d'autres plates-formes qui nécessitent des achats séparés pour chaque avion supporté.

Le prix de la v2 (ou toute remise potentielle pour les utilisateurs existants) n'a pas encore été décidé.
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Salut, salut Fred

merci pour l'info , ça semble logique meme si il faudra racheter cette version mais vu le très bon suivi de ce logiciel pas cher ça vaut le coup de les soutenir

Et au moins, ils ne partent pas sur un prix par abonnement, ce qui semble se profiler pour smartcopilot 4 ou sharedflight.
Je ne pourrais plus m en passer sur xp11 en tout cas
Salut !

Il faudra ouvrir une nouvelle discussion WebFMC Pro XP12 le jour ou la version pour XP12 sortira !

We are happy to announce that a new minor update to WebFMC Pro for X-Plane 11 is available immediately as a free update for all existing customers. The changes in this version are:

  • support for Flight Factor 767-400 ER variant with different keyboard layout
  • MacOS binaries are now signed and notarized
  • fixed missing cyan color in Zibo Mod
  • fixed side switching by URL
As always, the update is available via your store account (which always has the latest version). Please remember to backup your license file when upgrading, as you need to put it back into the WebFMC folder of the new version. If you have any issues, please use our dedicated forum to report them (do not report them here).

We would like to use this opportunity to clarify our plans for supporting X-Plane 12. As signaled earlier via our dedicated forum, X-Plane 12 will be supported with new WebFMC Pro v2 (2.0.0), which will be a separate product and a separate purchase, with significant discount for existing customers.

WebFMC Pro for XP11 received several updates since its initial release, adding support for new aircraft with free updates. You can expect no less with v2 for X-Plane 12: we plan to support it throughout the lifetime of X-Plane 12 (until X-Plane 13 release), with free updates for new aircraft as they become available for XP12, whenever technically possible of course (some aircraft do not expose datarefs/APIs to access their CDU and therefore cannot be supported, but such cases were rare so far).

The price of WebFMC Pro v2 for X-Plane 12 will be increased compared to the current version for X-Plane 11 and it will be 29.99$. This is necessary to make up for the longer support time (the existing version was released in the middle of X-Plane 11 lifetime), as well as overall inflation. Existing owners of WebFMC Pro for X-Plane 11 will get approx. 30% discount when purchasing the new version (details on how to redeem it will be clarified when the new version hits the store). The new WebFMC Pro v2 will support X-Plane 12 only. The existing WebFMC Pro for XP11 will be receiving free updates for approximately one more year, as long as new aircraft for XP11 get available or any critical fix is required.

Having said that, the new WebFMC Pro v2 for X-Plane 12 is currently in the works and can be expected in the next few weeks. Given that X-Plane 12 is in beta and current situation of 3rd party aircraft in X-Plane 12 is still in flux and changing rapidly (some work already, some have updates coming, some don’t work and their update status is unclear), we are still assessing the list of aircraft to be initially supported with 2.0.0. The plan is to exclude those that do not work (or have issues) in the initial WebFMC Pro v2 release and add them back as soon as they get compatibility updates and we can verify them; the goal is to avoid glitches, crashes and confusion due to incompatibilities in these early days of X-Plane 12. For these reasons the list of aircraft supported with WebFMC Pro v2 will initially be shorter than the list of v1, but this should change quickly when all the 3rd party developers catch up with XP12.

That’s it for now, stay tuned, and thanks for your patience and all kind words we received from those waiting for XP12 support in WebFMC Pro!

Try WebFMC Free Buy WebFMC Pro
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WebFMC v2.0.1
  • Initial version for X-Plane 12, zibo 738 support only.
  • Note, this is XP12-only version; for XP11 please use WebFMC 1.8.1.
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WebFMC v2.1.0 - (je ne suis pas sur du n° de version)
Updated 21 mars 2023

Version 2.1.0 includes following changes
  • Support for ToLiss A320 NEO
  • Fixed missing pilot’s waypoints on A/C Status MCDU page in ToLiss Airbus series
  • JD340 has been enabled back (make sure to use the new JD340 XP12 version)
  • Support for changing WebFMC network port with a config file (see documentation)
  • Upgraded to Google Analytics 4
Supported aircraft list for X-Plane 12 consists of:
  • Default X-Plane FMC DualCDU
  • FlyJSim Q4XP DualCDU
  • Hotstart CL650 TripleCDU
  • Toliss A319 DualCDU
  • Toliss A320 NEO DualCDU
  • Toliss A321 DualCDU
  • Toliss A340 DualCDU
  • FlightFactor 757 v2 Professional DualCDU
  • FlightFactor 767 Professional DualCDU
  • FlightFactor 777 Professional
  • FlightFactor A320 Ultimate DualCDU
  • FlightFactor A350 (old style MCDU)
  • Rotate MD-11 TripleCDU
  • Rotate MD-80
  • JRollon CRJ-200
  • IXEG 737-300 DualCDU
  • X-Crafts ERJ Family DualCDU
  • JarDesign 330
  • JarDesign 340
  • SSG 747-8 Series v2
  • Zibo Mod 737-800 DualCDU
Note that currently WebFMC does not support Apple Silicon, you need to enable Rosetta mode. It will be fixed with the future update.

The update to WebFMC Pro for X-Plane 11 will be released in the upcoming days, stay tuned.

I would also like to take this occasion to thank @GlidingKiwi for giving us access to beta version of A320 NEO.
For any technical questions, issues or other matters, please use our dedicated forum (do not post them here): https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/forums/forum/415-webfmc/

Buy WebFMC Pro XP12 Buy WebFMC Pro XP11
Merci Fredo ,
Le jour où le Dev va s'attaquer à MSFS ... Ça va faire mal :p

WebFMC v2.3.0

Version 2.3.0 includes following changes
  • Native support for Apple Silicon (M1/M2/M3)
  • Support all CDU status lights in Zibo's 738 (make sure to have up-to-date zibo mod, i.e. 4.0rc8 or newer)
  • Implemented custom crash handler per Laminar's guidelines (Windows only for now)
The WebFMC Pro supports growing number of 3rd party aircraft: