Windy a dit:
Ton Pdf ma donné mal au cuir chevelu
ça doit être les couleurs en anglais !
sinon , le doc le plus "lisible" :
The purpose of this project is to replicate the behaviour of the electrical s'ystem of the 737NG overhead without the need for expensive hardware and software interfacing. Using DPDT switches, it becomes possible to not only control the voltage routing behaviour of the s'ystem, but to control the actual software switches in s'ynchronisation using a controller card and the FSUIPC macro technique. Its inexpensive to achieve and although quite a complicated undertaking, the end result is very satisfying.
I am using this s'ystem with the PMDG 737 inside FS9.1, but it can be applied to an'y aircraft, either electrical only, switch only or in the ˜dual switch/power config.
How good is your imagination?
A. Voltage is supplied from the PSU & routed thru the Standby Power switch. With the switch off the Standby Power Off Annunciator (101) is lit and power is removed from the Overhead.
B. The SOURCE OFF Annunciators are lit when an'y of the selected sources are not ON BUS. See the Diagram on Page 6 and the description on Page 7
C. Gen OFF BUS Annunciator is lit when Eng.Gen Off Line. See the Diagram on Page 6 and the description on Page 7
Resistors. You may notice that some resistors have a lower value than others. The reason for this is they are behind a Diode. There is a voltage drop across a diode, hence less resistance is required to protect the LED. Too high a resistance and the efficiency of the LED is reduced (dimmer).