ADD ATC Chatter


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X-ATC_Chatter (15$ usd) is a collaboration with to bring high qualit'y ATC audio clips to the flight simulation communit'y. X-ATC-Chatter is a collection of audio files designed to support the controller chatter playback capabilit'y in Pilot2ATC.
The product also includes a stand-alone player for X-Plane 10 and 11 for those people that dont use Pilot2ATC. The stand-alone player also features an integration with X-Life 2.1 ATC as well as the X-Plane 11.3 above ATC s'ystem...

Pilot2ATC (60$usd) is a new companion program for PC based Flight Simulators
2 Way Voice Communication with ATC
Copilot feature can handle most communications
SayIt feature allows TTS communications with ATC
AI Traffic Aware ATC with Alerts
Create VFR and IFR Flight Plans
Plan and Fly SIDs, STARs, Approaches on IFR Flights
Import and Export X-Plane and FSX/P3D Flight Plans
Import Flight Plans from Flight Aware, PFPX, Flight Plan DB, Real World FP DB
Moving Maps and Satellite Views
Moving Sectional Chart (USA)
Airport Diagrams and Approach Plates
Nav and Com Radio Control
Intelligent Frequency Finder
Auto Pilot

AUTO ATC (freeware)
AutoATC is the result of a (personal) need to practice ATC communications in a more "realistic" way - namely, using the Xplane radios, talking using the joystick trigger and listening for responses. It is basically a chatbot for ATC...
The purpose of this plugin is to make your X-Plane radio function identically to a real life radio (free speech communication with highly realistic radio traffic).
The plugin requires a working java installation and an internet connection to listen to ATC and AI traffic communications.
Communicating with an AutoATC controller requires binding a button (e.g. the joystick trigger) to "AutoATC/Transmit" and a phone app (android only, iPhone support is unlikely an'y time soon) which you can get from google play.
Bonjour ,

Je viens d'acheter X-ATC Chatter (14€) ... 1,2 go de sons soit au moins 20 heures (à  128kb/s) ; ça met un peu de vie dans le cockpit !
Je teste le mode auto-atc ; depuis plus de 2 heures en vol , les conversations en anglais , femmes et hommes , avec plusieurs accents senchainent avec des moments de silence (paramétrable en seconde) ... Je viens de me poser à  Prague , laccent est clairement polonais/pays de lest !
le volume audio est totalement indépendant , il se règle dans le panneau de controle (mute mappable) ;
toutes les fonctions sont mappables (ground , tower , atis , départ , clearance , approche ect..)
il est possible d'appeler une fenêtre montrant les 40 fréquences com les plus proches dans un rayon de 75NM autour de l'avion (configurable sur un bouton)

images différentes fenetres visibles ICI
oui , c'est assez réaliste , laccent arabe en anglais est pas mal aussi (entendu à  Orly)... là  , je suis à  Nice , accent français mais aussi indien/pakistan'ais , japon'ais , italien ... c'est un peu le souk mais drôle ! et ce n'est jamais la même conversation . :)
Pour ceux qui nont pas de radio com , la fenêtre montrant les 40 stations permet de régler la frequence en cochant une case .

Il y a actuellement 20942 fichiers audio ...

FS-ATC-Chatter is the first Stick and Rudder Studios X-Plane product to be ported to the Microsoft based flight simulator platforms. It supports FSX, FSX Steam Edition, P3D V1 - V5, and MSFS 2020. It is essentially the X-ATC-Chatter stand-alone chatter player rewritten to integrate with these simulators. The new player plays the same collection of over 24,000 curated ATC chatter clips.

Stick and Rudder Studios will be running a 30% off sale for Black Friday weekend through Cyber Monday, 11/27 - 11/30. All of our products will be included in the sale.

Autrement dit , 30% de remise sur les addons de cet éditeur du 27 au 30 octobre , soit 10/11 $ pour FS-ATC-Chatter
Main Installation Files for AutoATC for XPlane 11

The free version of the application can only be used while connected to the X-Plane 11 plugin.
You can then register your call sign, and talk to the AI Air Traffic Controllers and see the AI aircraft:

What's New in Version :
  • better libxplanemp obj support
  • TCAS support
  • Xplane map layer
  • actually draw high speed AI Aircraft
  • Pad background improvements

2334 audio clips supplémentaires pour X-ATC chatter - FS-ATC-Chatter .

Thanks_to our volunteers I'm pleased to let you know that we have added an additional 2,334 ATC clips for both X-ATC-Chatter and FS-ATC-Chatter. The file,, contains these additional clips and it has been added to the file download list for both X-ATC-Chatter and FS-ATC-Chatter.


Note pour les Modos :

ATC Chatter existe en version X-Plane et MS2020 , peut être qu'il serait bien de fusionner les 2 posts (celui ci et dans le dossier
et de renommer le tout MSFS-ATC-Chatter - X-ATC Chatter !

Merci Messieurs ! ;)
Dernière édition:
X-ATC-Chatter 1.7 beta 3
  • Added support for copilot handling radios in Simple ATC
  • Significant speed improvement on startup if you disable refresh facility database on startup

I'm starting work on X-ATC-Chatter 1.7. The first beta build will likely be available the week of December 13. The primary purpose of the beta is to update the UI to use the same GUI tool kit that is being used for X-Camera, X-KeyPad, and many other X-Plane 11 plugins. I'm also going to try and make the UI look and work more like the FS-ATC-Chatter UI which is a bit more compact. I'm also open to adding some enhancements. Here is a short list of what is being considered:

  • Prompt the user to tune to the next center facility as the current one gets close to going out-of-range
  • Maybe add prompting to tune to various facilities based on phase of flight
    • Contact ground when taxi lights are turned on
    • Contact tower when close to departure runway
    • Contact departure when a certain distance away from departure airport ect.
    • I want to make sure we don't get too complicated here as I'm not trying to do a full blown ATC
  • Possibly use mp3 tag data in the clip to identify which ATC facility the clip was collected from and then play those clips that are closest to your aircraft. Might make playback in Europe a bit better. This will drive the need to more clips in Europe.
X-ATC-Chatter 1.7.0 beta 9

  • Added trigger options for copilot handles radios
  • Added an option to adjust the takeoff clearance delay after a lineup and wait clearance
  • Fixed a potential race condition where it may have been possible to transmit a NULL transmission causing a PCM file error
2685 nouveaux clips ATC ajoutés à ATC-Chatter !

Thanks_to_our volunteers , I'm pleased to let you know that we have added an additional 2,685 ATC clips for both X-ATC-Chatter and FS-ATC-Chatter. The file,, contains these additional clips and it has been added to the file download list for both X-ATC-Chatter and FS-ATC-Chatter...
Comment se les procurer ?
Salut !

Tu as cliqué sur le lien ?

Where to get the Additional Clips

If you purchased X-ATC-Chatter via the store you can get access to this free update by simply logging into to your store account and go to your downloads page and download from the X-ATC-Chatter product download. The situation is similar if you bought FS-ATC-Chatter from Sim Market. Simply log into your Sim Market account and navigate to your download for FS-ATC-Chatter and download the clip update zip file.

If you purchased X-ATC-Chatter or FS-ATC-Chatter directly from the Stick and Rudder Studios website then you will need to use the "View Product" link in the Gumroad receipt that was e-mailed to you when you purchased the product in order to download the clip update. If you misplaced your receipt you can attempt to log in to your Gumroad library account to retrieve it. If you still can't find the receipt contact us at the link below stating the problem and we will email you a duplicate receipt. It may take up to a day for us to get you that duplicate receipt.
Salut Fred

J'ai acheté le mien sur , faut il absolument s'inscrire sur Gumroad pour avoir la mise à jour ou simplement recharger le programme sur comprenant la modif ?

Salut !

You can get access to this free update by simply logging into to your store account and go to your downloads page and download from the X-ATC-Chatter product download

Pour accéder à cette mise à jour gratuite, il vous suffit de vous connecter à votre compte store, d'aller sur votre page de téléchargements et de télécharger depuis le téléchargement du produit X-ATC-Chatter.

Des lunettes pour Philippe ! ;)
Salut, moi je trouve pas.
J’ai téléchargé le plugin sur org mais j’ai que les US et le Canada. Pas d’Europe…
X-ATC-Chatter 1.7.0 beta 15

Release Notes:

Added an option to keep the pilot transmission window always open and to automatically expand and collapse it when pilot transmissions are active.

An external pause dataref has been added that can be used in conjunction with a Lua script to pause chatter. This may be useful in custom aircraft where you need to customize the logic of detecting radio power.

What's Next:

Possibly add automatic country / ICAO collection selection.

X-ATC-Chatter 1.7.0 beta 30 is Ready

  • Removed 121.5 (guard) from center frequency list
  • Modified clearance text to give departure frequency before squawk code
  • Added the ability to cancel flight following
  • Implemented an alternate method to detect a flight level change request using FlyWithLua

  1. Make a backup copy of your X-ATC-Chatter plugin folder. DO NOT delete the original from the X-Plane 11 plugins folder.
  2. Download and unzip the archive above into a temporary folder
  3. Copy the resulting X-ATC-Chatter folder to your X-Plane 11\Resources\plugins folder allowing the copy utility to replace any necessary files. DO NOT change the X-ATC-Chatter folder name. It needs to remain named X-ATC-Chatter
  4. Start X-Plane 11 and verify that X-ATC-Chatter is in the plugins menu and that the title bar on the new Control Panel indicates 1.7.0 Beta 30
Release Notes:
Cancel Flight Following needs testing. I tried it to a towered field with radar services and it worked right but it needs to be tested with the other destination airport types

What's Next:
  • I think I'm going to look into trying and documenting various solutions for better text to speech voices on OSX and Linux.
  • Add an ability to fly a missed approach

Known Issues:
Simple ATC and the new collections are still a work in progress and needs feedback from users

25 % de remise à partir du vendredi 26 novembre pour tout le weekend sur

X-ATC-Chatter 1.7

1.7 will be a free update for all X-ATC-Chatter 1.X users. Here are some of the new features in X-ATC-Chatter 1.7:
  • New UI
  • Ability to select clips by Country, ICAO Code, User Defined Collections, as well as Regions
  • Integration to 124th ATC
  • Added 400 U.S. Demo clips
  • Ability to download new clip updates directly from the UI
  • Added a Simple ATC Feature

Simple ATC

Simple ATC is a new feature in X-ATC-Chatter 1.7 that adds ATC capabilities for VFR, VFR with Flight Following, and IFR flights. It has the ability to use SAPI voices for a very immersive experience. It also works very well in VR environments. You can try X-ATC-Chatter 1.7 by visiting the link below. Note: 1.7 comes with 400 U.S. demo clips so even if you do not own X-ATC-Chatter you can still try the free demo version with a reasonable number of clips.
X-ATC-Chatter 1.7
24 décembre 2021

We have completed the beta testing for X-ATC-Chatter 1.7. This new version is a free update for all X-ATC-Chatter customers. Here are the major changes:
  • New User Interface
  • New Simple ATC feature that uses SAPI-5 voices for an immersive experience
  • Supports Updating Clips From the UI
  • Integration with the new version of 124th ATC
  • Supports Clip Filtering by Country and ICAO code
  • Full Clip Set is Packaged in the Same Zip File as the Plugin
