Licence et update Prosim


Voici mes mails vers PROSIM (M Moyano et M Koole ) ce jour car ils ne retrouvent plus ma licence Prosim suite dans leur base suite à mon achat hier d'une licence Update. :
historique ci-dessous :

De Prosim vers moi

14 janv. à 14:17

Dear Lamine,

We saw you have purchased a “Subscription update licences” without having a “ProSim-Suite” under the same ProSim account.

The update subscription license is intended for user who already have the “ProSim-Suite” non-commercial user license, so you need to have first a “ProSim Suite non-commercial software license” under the same ProSim account, in order to install and use an update subscription license.

Please, if you have order this licence accidentally, we can cancel your order so you can then place right order for the ProSim Suite.

Please confirm.

-------SUITE de Moi vers PROSIM ( je ne mets pas les Email intermédiaire)--------

Envoyé : mercredi 15 janvier 2020 à 13:01:58 UTC+1

Objet : Summary of our discussions

Date of purchase order : 4 févr. 2018

Email for me at 20 : 03 by M. KOOLE:

Dear Lamine,

Thank you for purchasing ProSim737. The software can be downloaded from our website, this email cont'ains your purchased keys. In case you have an'y question we're happy to assist you!

Your new ProSim737 keys (strictly personal):

Product Key: xxxxxxxxxxx
Update Key: xxxxxxxxxxxx

Thank you and best regards, Hanne

Between February to March 2019

I upgrade PROSIM 737 version 2.xx to 2.15

After March 2019 :

I don’t bought a new update licence because I’m in professional trip during long month

Now :
I purchase yesterday the licence de get update after 2.15 to 2.24/25 ( until February 2020 )

After : ( March 2020)
I bought a new one for March 2020 to March 2021.

Conclusion :

1 -With m'y yesterday purchase order I can update m'y prosim suite to 2.24 or 25 ( I don’t know exactly)
2 – Why you don’t found m'y licence in your DataServer. (this is probably it's our problem)

I musn’t suffer from a malfunction of an update of m'y account internally at prosim
I wish to find solution together.

Again, Thanks in advance for your comprehension and your help

Best regards

Puis un autre de moi vers PROSIM
----- Message transmis -----

Envoyé : mercredi 15 janvier 2020 à 14:49:37 UTC+1

Objet : Problem with the prosim license and updates

Dears M Moyano and M Koole,

I'm willing to pay, but before all we have to agree on the chronology of events describe it in m'y last Email ( sent to you this day at 13h01mn Summary of our discussions)

How you explain that, I can do the updates from February 2018 to February 2019 without buying update licence , you are agree with me it’s normal. !!! NO I don’t” think it’s normal. I have 2.15 version and Prosim 737 2.15 doesn't exist on february 2018. The only possibilit'y for update : is to have a valid license for February 2018 to February 2019 what I had.

Let’s be serious, You don’t think there’s a problem and what I’m saying is right.

Could you give me solution this day.

Thanks in advance

DEPUIS ...........bibpiproblèmeip SILENCE RADIO de leur part

C'est à la fois surprenant et peu rassurant qu'ils arrivent à te tenir ce genre de dialogue. :mad:

J’espère malgré tout, que tu vas pouvoir récupérer ta licence.

Quand à nous, nous allons poursuivre avec PM.

Bonsoir à tous, Voici ci-dessous le mail que j'ai reçu de Julian cette fin de journée:

Hello Lamine,

The same day you confirmed me and prove the existence of your prosim-suite licence key, and in order to help you in your hurry and help you asap, I manually adjusted the new expiration date of your current update subscription from 2-2018 to 2-2019 because our server found a mismatch and was unable to do this automatically, that explain your rights to update until February 2019.

Best regards

Et voici le mail que j'ai envoyé il y à peut pret 1 heure :

Dear M. Moyano and M KOOLE
It's the end of the day and I'm at home.
Thank you for doing the necessary to update your data base with m'y "PROSIM-AR suite" license key.
So I took a photo of PROSIM to prove that I am sincere and hon'est in m'y comments in m'y last emails this day. ( see two photos files in attachment)
1- I have a valid PROSIM-AR license
2- I did have an updated license from February 28, 2018 to February 28, 2019
3- I bought on January 14, 2020 (yesterday) an updated license valid therefore until February 28, 2020(duration one month and a half)
4- In first of March 2020 I will buy another license which will therefore be valid from February 28, 2020 to February 28, 2021.

So, since you have updated your data server and since I bought a license valid until February 28, 2020, I can update to 2.24 then 2.25
-> For that you can send me the update license key valid until February 28, 2020 ???

That way

Thank you


C'est plutot honnete je pense comme proposition.

Je vous tiens informé de la suite demain j'espere avec une solution.
Dernière édition:
Oh , je viens de recevoir un mail à l'instant , à 21h02. ---> Cela semble etre bon. --> je test de suite.

Dear Lamine,

Thank you for your order with number 100005459 - Hanne on which you have purchased extension of updates for ProSim737. With the extension, you are entitled to install software updates until 29-Feb-2020. This new date is automatically added to your update key "xxxxxxxxxx" and will show automatically in the ProSim737 about screen after the next restart.

Should you have an'y questions please contact us via

Thank you and best regards,

The ProSim-AR team
C'est bon la mise à jour marche, sauf que j'ai constaté quelques trucs bisarre :

1- Une popup s'ouvre lorsque je lance prosim s'ystem puis une fois que j'appuie sur le bouton ok alors prosim.exe demarre.(voir photo)
---> Je viens denvoyer un mail pour cette constatation. mais peut etre c'est juste histoire de redemarrage

2- lorsque prosim s'ouvre il a bien tout mes reglages parametrages. Sauf que je vois que mes deux yokes PFC et CH control ont disparus. --> Peut etre c'est normal et c'est lié au nouveau correctif prosim.


Dernière édition:
:LOL::LOL:OUF. ...J'ai eu chaud.

Suite est fin, Réponse de M.KOOL (prosim) :

Hi Lamine,

The key shown in the screenshot is an expired one that was part of a 30 day trial you have requ'ested in 2018. Your 12 months of updates have been added to your existing update key, the one listed below. Can you please go to file > licence and re-enter the key as stated in the message below (xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx) from 21:00? If that doesn’t work properly please close ProSim, remove an'y .LIC files from the directory where prosim737.exe is and re enter your existing product and update keys.