OrbitXP Xplane et SISMO


Info X Plane 11 :)


We are fully aware about the importance to prepare our modules to be compatible with X-Plane 11. Therefore, we have developed a specific "Connector" to be the interface between the hardware and X-Plane. It does not require other plug-ins or 3rd parties’ programs, due to it works directly with X-Plane and with Sismo's modules. Of course, it is full free and the beta will be available in the web in few days. The first module supported is the MCP and the rest of modules will be available very soon.
The denomination of the "Sismo X-Plane Connector" is "OrbitXP"
Ajout Pedestal (modules VHF, NAV, ADF pour l'instant).

Ah lala ce tonton Jack ne connait pas la fonction recherche :LOL: (sans doute le Scotch et le chlore).

Cela dit nous n'avons pas eu de retour d'expérience sur ce soft Sismo !!
J'avoue humblement, hic, ne pas suivre les posts Xp ,
Je croyais faire une bonne action ...sniff ! :cry:


Modules supportés:
  • MCP, EFIS V1 ou +.
  • Pedestal V2 ou+, Zibo Modules: VHF, NAV, ADF, ATC, ACP, CAB DOOR, RUDDER TRIM, CARGO FIRE and FSP.
  • Note: WXR et SELCAL Panels sont des faux dans le Zibo 738X
Mise à jour OrbitXP V 1.3

Modules supportés:
  • MCP, EFIS V1 or superior.
  • Pedestal V2 or superior,. Includes All Zibo Modules: VHF, NAV, ADF, ATC, ACP, CAB DOOR, RUDDER TRIM, CARGO FIRE and FSP.
  • MIP V2 or superior,. Includes the following Modules: DS, AFDS and EDC <-- Ajouté le 20/07/2020

Je vais me lancer pour tester :giggle:
Mise à jour OrbitXP V 1.4

Modules supported:
  • MCP, EFIS V1 or superior.
  • Pedestal V2 or superior,. Includes All Zibo Modules: VHF, NAV, ADF, ATC, ACP, CAB DOOR, RUDDER TRIM, CARGO FIRE and FSP.
  • MIP V2 or superior,. Includes the following Modules: DS, AFDS, EDC, SixPacks, Master Buttons, GPWS, Landing Gear, NWS, MIP Annunciators and TEST Toggle Switch <-- ajouté le 27/07/2020
Je serai bientôt fixé j'ai commandé la carte Ethernet MIP.
A priori simple... mais peu de retours forcement pour le moment.

Je vous en en dirai plus la semaine prochaine
La carte MIP se compose de 3 cartes Ethernet vendues séparemment, il faut au minimum la Captain.
Oui j'ai pris la carte Captain et le module AFDS pour essayer.
Si tout vas bien je rajouterai les 2 autres cartes et des modules de temps en temps suivant les promos.
J'ai donc testé ce programme OrbitXP.

J'ai connecté la carte Captain et l'AFDS Captain, ça pas de soucis forcement.

OrbitXP s'installe facilement, ensuite il y a un plugin à placer dans le dossier approprié dans Xplane.
Le plugin, pour ma part, n'était pas actif :rolleyes:

Sur ce coup Sismo a été top, on a échangé des dizaines de mails dans les 2 derniers jours jusqu'à 23h hier soir (y) avec les développeurs, car il y a que chez moi qu'il y avait ce soucis ...

Le problème a été identifié, j'ai reçu ce matin une nouvelle version qui fonctionne (y) et qui sera publiée prochainement.


Je m'attendais à un driver pas vraiment une interface logiciel.
Est ce qu'avec une MotherBoard tu pourrais assigner les Switches que tu veux sans passer par les modules complets ?
Le programme tourne en arrière plan, rien à faire dessus, même à la première connexion.

Par contre, il est prévu pour les modules SISMO, et on ne peut pas changer l’assignation des switches non.
OrbitXP V3.5

Key functions:
  • All the modules and services included in OrbitXP V3.4.
  • Performance improvement when all Sismo Modules are connected with X-Plane.
  • OrbitXP User Manual Release 3. It will be copied in the programs folder or you can download it clicking here.

pour rappel :
  • Freeware license
  • Native application
  • Compatible with Windows 7, 8 and 10 x64
  • Does not require 3rd parties plug-ins or Add-ons such FSUIPC
  • Works directly with the interface of X-Plane via UDP
  • Requires Zibo B738-X
  • Automatic syncronization between Hardware and X-Plane
  • Manage the Sismo's modules and detects authomaticaly the following Ethernet Modules:
    • MCP/EFIS
    • Pedestal
    • MIP
    • FWD Overhead
    • AFT Overhead
  • Testing service for the SimCards called AlbatrossService to check inputs and activate outputs and displays. Included in release V1.5 superior.
Dernière édition:
OrbitXP V3.5

Key functions:
  • All the modules and services included in OrbitXP V3.5.
  • New Rudder Trim configuration.
OrbitXP v4.0

Key functions:
  • All the modules and services included in OrbitXP V3.6.
  • Auto-Run when X-Plane starts. New plug-in required
  • Backlight for FWD and AFT Overheads V1 & V2
J'ai testé sur XP12 avec OrbitXP Connector v4.0 et ça marche ; seule la fonction "Auto-Run when X-Plane starts" n'est pas opérationnelle , ça ne me dérange pas , au contraire , je préfère que cette fonction soit optionnelle ( let the choice to the user ) .

Cette version 4.0 a bientôt 18 mois et il manque toujours des choses simples comme :

Il faut que je pose la question à Zibo avant de contacter Sismo car je pense que ces datarefs sont communes à tous les avions Laminar et que le connecteur Sismo ne voit que celles que Zibo a customisé .
Merci pour les informations au sujet de la compatibilité avec XPlane12. En ce qui concerne la fonctionnalité, OrbitXP gère la plupart des fonctions disponibles dans Zibo.

L'application gère les datarefs customisables de Zibo et en plus ceux de Laminar que Zibo n'a pas modifié.

Certaines fonctions n'étaient pas disponibles dans un premier instant, ou bien nous ne les avons pas trouvé. Et par conséquent ils ne sont pas développés.

Si vous trouvez des datarefs qu'on pouvrait ajouter a Orbit, on vous remercie de nous dire pour la prochaine revision.

Meilleures salutations,

J'ai contacté Sismo ces derniers jours pour connaitre l'avancé de OrbitXP (pas de mise à jour depuis plus de 2 ans).
Et comme dit @Playrec pas mal de fonctions sont manquantes.

Je vous montre la réponse de Sismo qui m’étonnes vraiment.

Regarding the OrbitXP issue, Sismo develops free applications to allow and simplify the connection of the modules with different plug-ins, but that does not mean that we have to be updating them to the permanent changes of the market. We invest a lot of effort in this, but there are too many plug-ins and environments.

So OrbitXP is operational and compatible with XPlane11 and Zibo 738 versions, but it has not been updated for XPlane12, so we cannot guarantee it will work in this environment.

We have customers who confirm that it works, but at the moment we have no plans to upgrade, but we will.

Therefore, a free important effort that we make, we cannot understand that the customer complaints, we are not a multinational and we cannot cover all the changes in the market. We are currently working on SismoLink for PMDG and once it is finished, we will upgrade OrbitXP to XPlane12.

Je comprends ça un peu comme : pas de soucis pour vous vendre des panels à 500 euros par contre pour qu'ils soient compatibles, c'est pas notre problème.
Leur reponse m'attriste un peu quand je sais que je leur ai donné pas loins de 10 000 euros dans les dernières années.
@Alexis77 ,

Salut !

Merci Alex pour avoir retransmis ce mail et n'est pas une bonne nouvelle ; l'argument "Sismo n'est pas une multinationale" n'est pas vraiment une réponse digne d'un responsable commercial .
Ça fonctionne avec XP12 certes , mais même sous XP11 , certaines commandes ne marchaient pas et n'ont jamis été corrigées .
Quand je pense que j'étais prêt à acheter un MIP Sismo l'année dernière 😱 ; 2 choses m'ont fait reculer : le prix élevé et OrbitXP pour les mises à jour inexistantes .
Je vais donc attendre le black friday 2025/2026 pour finir l'AFT . 🥵
Je tenterais bien de mettre une carte FDS mais je n'ai plus trop envie de me lancer dans le câblage de l'AFT.
Je vais rechercher sur les annonces voir ce qui traine , les occasions CPFlight ou FDS sont rares , il faudra être patient ...
oui complétement d'accord ...
Assurer la compatibilité des produits que l'on vend est un minimum je trouve. Surtout à ces prix là ...

C'est un peu comme un vendeur de voiture qui vous vendrait une voiture sans volant et qui dirait : Maintenant vous avez plus qu'a trouver un moyen de la conduire ! Bonne route !
Je vais contacter un simmer qui il me semble a un ovh sismo qui a fait des modifs soft .

Il faudrait lister d'abord tout ce qui ne fonctionne pas avant de le contacter .
Tu sais si il a aussi le MIP ?

Sinon pour la liste, il y a aussi :
Master Fire Warning qui ne s'allume pas lors de l'overheat/Fire Test
Bonjour Monsieur Thierry,

I’m Fabiola Moreno from Sismo and I respond through this forum, for the publication of an email addressed to you. Although it is a professional and constructive mail, I think, from a purely elegant point of view, it would have been more appropriate to ask for our consent. In any case, the purpose of the email was to respond to your concerns as objectively as possible and to inform you of the software upgrade plans.

Because clearly, we have not been able to achieve that goal, seeing your reaction in this forum and that of other members, I will try to explain, hopefully better, this time, the circumstances in which companies like Sismo work, in an exclusive and reduced market.

Sismo is a company that wants to bring flight simulation to customers like you, who enjoy it, trying to have as little trouble as possible. But it is important that the market understands the rules and limitations we work with. Sismo is one of the oldest companies in the industry and we have introduced many new features and innovations over the years. We are so concerned about our customers that we try to answer all the questions we receive within 24 hours. We do not always succeed, but it is part of our DNA.

In this sense, we know where we are and who are our competitors and therefore in relation quality/price we are well positioned. As for offering operational solutions, please note the following, a flight simulator that is fully operational requires that both hardware and software have to be fully operational as well and therefore we have many limitations, due to, although our hardware is fully operative, it is not easy in this market segment, find complete cheap solutions oriented to real simulation.

In this regard, years ago we have decided go with high professional solutions such Prosim, where we have reached an agreement to offer comprehensive and operational solutions, which for some time now we have had the 737 NG and MAX fully operational with this major software provider, of which we are very proud.

In fact, we have developed the first 737 MAX that was integrated with Prosim. The same happens to us with iFly that through scripts available on our website, the simulator is fully operational.

Keep in mind that the low-cost simulation market, although it develops globally, is a very exclusive market with little production, so the costs soar, however, despite the increase of electronic components in recent years, we have increased our prices little, which is quite complicated.

However, instead of staying in a comfortable position, where we have complete solutions with Prosim and iFly, we have started new developments with other plug-ins not so suitable for integration with a real cockpit, but with great quality such as Zibo738 and PMDG. Please, note that these plug-ins are not designed to be used with a complete hardware flight simulator, they are oriented to be used through their own software interface. This implies limitations with respect to Prosim, because everything that is manipulated through the mouse, has to be done through a connector, such as SimConnect in FS2020 and datarefs for X-Plane and this means that not always all commands and variables are available in the interface. Therefore, in the OrbitXP and SismoLink manuals, we document which functions are not available, but not because of Sismo's limitation, since our hardware is complete, but because of limitations in the interface or in the plug-in itself.

As we said in the mail, OrbitXP was finished to the maximum that could be used with X-Plane 11, possibly also with X-Plane 12, but we have not verified it yet, although there are customers who are using it this way. Therefore, please take into account that the final result does not depends only in our development, it is important to have in mind which limitations have those plug-ins in the interface with external hardware. No may companies are offering a global solution for the complete cockpit as Sismo is doing.

Regarding PMDG, ditto, I understand that you do not have to be aware of the difficulties and many hours of dedication that we have to overcome each of the obstacles we encounter, to make it as operational as possible, having achieved in some cases that it is 100%. When we find errors in the interface with PMDG, we write to them, but so far, they have not given us a resolution date, but they have attended to us.

As we mentioned in the mail you have published, we are committed to upgrade OrbitXP to X-Plane12, but it will not be until we finish SismoLink, but I would like you to understand that messages in the forum like those recently published, make us wonder if the effort in developing applications, which are not easy at all, is worth it, because instead of being seen as an improvement over others, it turns against us, which I think is not fair.

Sismo is a company that has been supported in this forum, which we respect deeply and proof of this is that for several years we have a 10% discount all year for its members and we also make offers throughout the year.

We have hundreds of customers along the world and we are still here, due they have confidence in our solutions, support, innovation and of course we make mistakes, but we try to learn and find solutions. In this way, your concerns regarding OrbitXP, being not everything in our hands, for the reasons already exposed, will be our next mission as we have said in the email.

Currently, since years, there are complete solutions to use our hardware like Prosim and iFly and partially Zibo738 and PMDG.

If you have further questions, please let us know, but let me request you, with the respect that a small, but professional and serious company deserves.

Best regards,

Fabiola Moreno
@Playrec @Alexis77 keep calm !!

Sismo is our partner and you have benefited a lot of discounts on their products. We will avoid posting private messages here from email or private message. I understand the frustration of not being able to use their product with Xplane 12, but they said it would. Flight simulation is a niche activity, Prosim for example never made its software compatible with Xplane and yet there was demand. We could have said Prosim sells software for €1500 but doesn't want to make it compatible with Xplane. That doesn't mean Prosim is a bad company.

Sismo has offered discounts for several years, their products are easy to configure, and they offer third-party software to make interfacing with flight simulator software easier. Sismo is a company that innovates. This takes time and she cannot satisfy everyone at the same time.