Xroads - transparent roads for Ortho4XP v0.32 - XP11-XP12
- Xroads can follow/resolve Windows ShortCuts and scan folders behind the link
Xroads is a X-Plane 11 & 12 library which improves the realistic touch of the Ortho4XP created ortho images by hiding the painted street polygons layed out by default. They are usually generated from street databases such as OSM. However, if you're using a ZL17 (or higher) Ortho image, you might prefer to not see the generated streets but the roads as seen on the downloaded satellite images. Xroads will NOT hide bridges, highways, autobahn and railroad tracks. As a positive side impact of not drawing the road polygons, you might see a slightly increased FPS count.
To allow better control where to enable or disable these roads, a library.txt file gets generated, which contains the coordinates of all available Ortho4XP tiles. These tiles will then be using the "transparent roads". Locations for which we do not have a Ortho tile, the autogen roads are still being shown.
During the creation of the new roads.net files, the "speed" of the AI cars is being reduced to 70%. This makes the cars move more realistic. The 70% is hardcoded in the code but can be modified based on own taste (see included C source file).
After installation you simply run the binary once, and again if Ortho tiles have been added or deleted. The program will then just update the existing library.txt accordingly.
As a side note, this "patch" will NOT work with Orbx scenes and in fact is not needed there at all, because Orbx supports "transparent roads" out of the box. Check your "scene settings" inside Orbx.