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sinon attention je ne sais pas si c'est lié mais avec la nouvelle version de Pd3 V4.4 il y une new version de FSUIPC.
INFO IMPORTANTE pour ceux qui ont mis a jour P3D V4.3 vers 4.4.
NEW version FSUIPC 5.15
Now the changes in 5.15:
1. The Lua library functions ipc.setdisplay and ipc.setowndisplay have been made to
work consistently, and enhanced by allowing either P3D4 screen coordinateurnates or
percentages of the P3D4 screen for display size and position. The ipc.setowndisplay
uses the same SimConnect display as ipc.setdisplay (and ipc.ask) and this is clarified.
Note that you may see a little flicker of the window in the old position when the display
is moved.
An updated Lua library document is included in this release package.
2. The Lua library now allows for a zero for a zero Vendor ID (VID), as apparently used in
some devices.
3. Version 5.141e fixes an error in the operation of the RudderBlendLowest facilit'y.
4. The Lua event.textmenu function, previously only available in WideClient, has been
added so that it can be used locally without needing a locally enabled WideClient.
5. The œinstant replay and œrecordinateurng playback modes of P3D4 are now recognized so
that the FSUIPC joystick scanning now remains enabled in those modes.
6. The older format (FS9) formatted FLT files can now be loaded via the Offset 0130. This
is done by adding an extra .flt after the normal .flt filetype (i.e. œname.flt.flt). The extra
.flt is removed, leaving the original intact. Otherwise only the œname part would be
submitted to P3D which only works with the new (XML) format.
7. The FSUIPC Options dialogue can be moved on screen, and its last position is
remembered and re-used next time. In P3D4 windowed mode this can even be outside
the P3D window area.
8. There was a bug which badly corrupted mouse macro files if additional actions for one
of the entries are added after the macro creation mode in ended and restarted. This is
9. The [Sound] device list in FSUIPC5.INI, used for Lua and application access to the
sound playing facilities, is now am'ended if new devices are detected. New devices are
added (but older ones, are left listed in case they are temporarily absent). Previously on
a change of hardware the sound list was only updated if first deleted so a new one
could be added.
10. An INI option œNoMessageWindows=Yes can be used to stop FSUIPC using the
SimConnect Message Window facilit'y, forcing an'y Lua or application text destined for
that display to be routed to the text output (the one defaulting to a bar at the top).
11. The offset 3402 (a 16-bit short word) cont'ains flag bits each indicating one of several
Simulator modes. These are detailed in the updated FSUIPC4 Offsets Status document