Mise à jour du B737-800 Zibo

ZIBO v3.42.11

- fixed bugs (yoke in replay, altitude input - des page, MMR, A/T off, G/S...)

ZIBO v3.42.10

- fixed bugs (TCAS, below GS annuciate, DC panel, FO nosewheel, save flight...)
- add option for Jetway power in EFB (ON/SAM)
- checklist version 9.0 (thanks to @Vin_Kaizen)
ZIBO v3.42.16

- fixed bugs
- corrected Approach rating system
- add Approach rating penalties list to EFB (thanks to Jbrik for new icon)

ZIBO v3.42.15

- add approach rating system
- fixed bugs (Transfer bus off annunciates,...)
- corrected systems (APU bleed, Wing anti-ice, Bleed Trip Off...)

ZIBO v 3.42.14

- fixed bugs (read Xplane1150 nav data format,...)

ZIBO v3.42.13

- fixed bugs (2k flight model, FMC-Hold PPOS on FO side, yaw damper, engines start valve, VS - available set missed approach altitude, engines...)
- updated code for Flight Director
AviTab passe en version 3.20
  • Support new 11.50 data format (fixes CRS errors in airport info)
  • Add a stopwatch to the clock: Click the clock to start and stop
  • Add new overlays: ILS, VOR, NDB, waypoints
  • Fix overlay airport classification for custom scenery
  • Support DMS coordinates in map calibration
  • Fix wobbling of overlays
  • Updated GUI library to new version for smoother fonts
  • make AviTab fully Unicode compatible regarding file paths
  • fix aircraft manual app initial folder
ZIBO v3.42.24

3.42.23 fix:
- updated xchecklist by vin_KaiZen
- corrected systems and graphics

3.42.22 fix:
- fixed bugs and corrected graphics

3.42.21 fix:
- fixed bugs (load/save flight,...) and corrected graphics
- moved some xlua script code to c++

3.42.20 fix:
- fixed bugs and corrected graphics

3.42.19 fix:
- fixed bugs (noise throttle lock code, VNAV, PFD, ND,...)

3.42.18 fix:
- corrected ND display and systems
- add feature "STEEP DESC AFTER" to VNAV code
- fixed bugs

3.42.17 fix:
- corrected displays and systems (PFD, E/D, pressurisation...)
- fixed typo bugs and bug in VNAV descent path
- add feature STEEP DESC AFTER
OCusbMapper + FDS + FSC TQ + Xlua scripts

28 Jul 2020 - Update zibo mod cdu scripts. OcusbMapper
Update process_parking_brake script code. FSC
Increase line entry size to 25 characters in cdu scripts. Zibo Xlua scripts

27 Jul 2020 - Cdu scripts - increase line entry size to 25 characters ie for STEEP DESCENT AFTER messages. FDS
Terrain Radar v1.22 (9 aout 2020)

  1. Added Airbus A300-600 by iniSimulations
  2. Added "datarefs.txt" file
  3. Fixed small issues
Attention! For Boeing 737-700/900 Ultimate some things will not be displayed on ND
Bonjour, pour la version v3.43 full, il y a un petit bug au niveau texture sur les ailes, il faut télécharger sur zibomod le fichier 738wing_NML.png et le déposer dans le dossier objet du zibo.
OCUSBMapper v1.6.0

21 Aug 2020 - Update zibo mod atc script for performance reasons.
22 Aug 2020 - Less calls to the HIDAPI function hid_write to improve the plugin efficiency for usb, servo & servo cards.

OCUSBMapper B738X (zibo mod) XLUA scripts v3.43

21 Aug 2020 - v3.43 - Disable transponder light for performance reasons.
ZIBO v 3.43.1

- fixed mapping textures for guarded switches and compas (thanks to @Mugz)
- improved parse code read METAR.rwx
- fixed bugs and corrected systems (PFD, inflight start engines, isolation valve, chock state on startup, FO callouts...)

Note: Delete file "738wing_NML.dds" located in folder <B738X>/objects.
ZIBO v 3.43.3

- fixed bugs (initialise active waypoint, small LNAV bugs,...)

3.43.2 (à éviter)
- fixed bugs (load cfg for PA annunciate, electric panel...)
- add support IRS ATT mode

Note: Delete file "738wing_NML.dds" located in folder <B738X>/objects if this file exists.:
ZIBO v 3.43.7

3.43.7 fix:
- corrected VNAV ALT
- fix Lower Display Unit (missed files)

3.43.6 fix:
- fixed bugs (LNAV AF enter/exit bug, AC/DC electric panel, FD GS, AP...)
- improved 3D models (cockpit elements) - thanks to @Mugz

3.43.5 fix:
- fixed bugs (LNAV AF enter/exit bug,...)

3.43.4 fix:
- fixed bugs (VS pitch mode,...)
- edited "banner" with recommended hardware (thanks to @enjxp)
D'ordinaire je passe toujours tes posts "buggiques" mais là je dois dire que ça fait du bien de voir autre-chose que 2020 !:LOL:

Signé: L'1 décrotable P trois déiste
ZIBO v 3.43.14

3.43.14 fix:
- fix bugs (typo bugs, VNAV code...)
- improved graphics - 3D models/mapping/position - thanks to @Mugz "in english into original text"
- add door hinges - thanks to @Zlin142. "in english into original text"
Note: you need delete files "738cockpit_main_panel_NML.dds" and "738cockpit_main_panel_2k_NML.dds" located in folder "<B738X>/objects".

3.43.13 fix:
- fix freeze FMC (typo bugs)

3.43.12 fix:
- fixed bugs (VNAV code, displays correction....)

3.43.11 fix:
- fixed bugs (VNAV altitude restriction, VNAV climb, MCP light test....)

3.43.10 fix:
- fixed bugs (chocks on startup, VNAV calculate speeds, MCP ALT HLD light....)

3.43.9 fix:
- improved LNAV code
- fixed VNAV code

3.43.8 fix:
- corrected AP (VNAV pitch mode)
- add option "VNAV ALT installed" in EFB (Display&Variants, page 5)
- add option "VNAV ALT -> ALT HLD" in EFB (Display&Variants, page 5)
- improved 3D models/mapping/position (switches, seat, floor, roof,...) - thanks to @Mugz
Dernière édition:
ZHSI v2.7.8

19 Sep 2020 - v2.7.8
- Draw loc scale for LOC/VNAV approach.

15 Sep 2020 - v2.7.7
- Fix vertical nps deviation scale on PFD.

15 Jul 2020 - v2.7.6
- Update for NAV file format : 1150

3.43.17 fix:
- added sounds for flightdeck cam knob and button
- fixed bugs (calculate T/D-xxxxx,...)

3.43.16 fix:
- add flightdeck cam (thanks_to Jbrik)
- fixed bugs (engine spool code,...)

note pour @Silverstar : traduire automatiquement , ça sert à rien sinon qu'à compliquer un peu plus pour celui qui poste ... please let the choice to the user ... s'il te plaît laisse le choix à celui qui poste une info ...
sur ce coup là , j'ai rusé (haha , t'as pas tout prévu :p)
Dernière édition:
Salut Fred 9
STP Qu'est ce que : "added sounds for flightdeck cam knob and button ? "
Avec choix sur EFB?
Bon AM
Salut !


le son de la porte de cabine ...

je suis en pleine réinstallation ... je peux te dire ça demain ou mardi !
Le son du verrou électrique quand tu bloques ou débloques la porte......".Clong"
Merci de ces précisions. Il s'agit simplement du bouton Mais la caméra n'est pas opérationnelle sur l'écran central?
il me semble que oui (lower eicas - ZHSI -) mais encore une fois mon cockpit est démonté ; il ne sera à nouveau opérationnel que mercredi ou jeudi prochain ! :)